Project Summary
The ARIEL project led to significant milestones towards innovation speed-up and uptake in small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors, outlining trajectories of development for future cooperation initiatives. However, a further step is needed to consolidate and widen ARIEL results, and operationalize the ARIEL tools. In this content, ARIEL PLUS main objective is to maximize the transferability and durability of the ARIEL project main outcomes towards small-scale fisheries and aquaculture stakeholders within and beyond the Adriatic and Ionian area, leveraging future initiatives and investments for smart and sustainable blue growth of coastal communities. The project intends to make the best use of the ARIEL approach, tactics and tools developed in 3 years of joint implementation, capitalizing and widening the ARIEL knowledge network and the cooperation put in place between local/regional/national public authorities, research bodies, small-scale fisheries and aquaculture socio-economic operators . Built on a deep understanding of these two sectors challenges at regional and ADRION level as well as on a set of policy and technical recommendations delivered in the previous project, ARIEL PLUS is expected to:
- boost the transnational dimension of ARIEL results and knowledge by means of raising awareness activities and events for beneficiaries and stakeholders of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors at local and Country level;
- give its transnational contribution to leverage future initiatives and investments on fisheries and aquaculture sectors by capacity building of potential beneficiaries and by supporting co-creation processes for the application, designing and managment EU project proposals;
- widen the ARIEL innovation community tpwards new members and new cooperation opportunities;
- improve the operability of the existing ARIEL Platform, conceived as virtual place where small-scale fisheries and aquaculture actors can meet, exchange knowledge and cooperate.
To these, ARIEL PLUS will focus on the following ARIEL milestones:
- boost the transnational dimension of ARIEL results and knowledge by means of raising awareness activities and events for beneficiaries and stakeholders of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors at local and Country level;
- give its transnational contribution to leverage future initiatives and investments on fisheries and aquaculture sectors by capacity building of potential beneficiaries and by supporting co-creation processes for the application, designing and managment EU project proposals;
- widen the ARIEL innovation community tpwards new members and new cooperation opportunities;
- improve the operability of the existing ARIEL Platform, conceived as virtual place where small-scale fisheries and aquaculture actors can meet, exchange knowledge and cooperate.
To these, ARIEL PLUS will focus on the following ARIEL milestones:
- the ARIEL knowledge network;
- the ARIEL policy and technical recommendations paper;
- the ARIEL Chart of innovative services;
- the ARIEL Platform.
Restricted fourth call for proposals – Priority Axes 1, 2 and 3
Project Acronym
Project Number
Programme Priority
1) Innovative and smart region
Specific objective
Support the development of a regional innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area
Start – End Date
2022-01-01 – 2022-06-30
Total budget
EUR 148,947.10
EU contribution:
ERDF budget
EUR 20,252.01
IPAII budget
Project Social media
The Project ARIEL PLUS is a follow-up of the previous funded project ARIEL, if you want to learn more about its genesis, original proposal and partnership, you can click on the button below.
Project partnership
Lead partner
Project partner
National Research Council
Institute of Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnologies
Largo Fiera della Pesca, 2 | 60125 – Ancona
Contact person
Mr. Luca Bolognini,
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Meštrovićevo šetalište , 63 | 21100 – Split
Contact person
Ms. Sanja Matić Skoko,
Marche Region
Directorate of Productive Activities and Enterprises
Via Tiziano, 44 | 60125 – Ancona
Contact person
Ms. Francesca Perretta,
Public Institution RERA SD for Coordination and Development of Split Dalmatia County
Department for EU Programmes and Projects Implementation
Domovinskog rata , 2 | 21100 – Split
Contact person
Mr. Ivo Benzon,
Region of Western Greece
Region of Western Greece
New National Road Patron-Athinon 32 , 32 | 26441 – Patras
Contact person
Mr. Alkistis Parpoura,
University of Montenegro – Institute of marine biology
Put I Bokeljske brigade , 68 | 85330 – Kotor
Contact person
Mr. Zdravko Ikica,
Project Summary
ARIEL project is jointly promoted and developed by 9 scientific and institutional partners of 4 Countries (Italy, Croatia, Greece and Montenegro) and focuses on small-scale fishery and aquaculture which are two key drivers for blue and sustainable growth of Adriatic and Ionian communities. Despite their relevance, those sector faces the same challenges of maritime spatial planning, environmental and socio-economic sustainability, better conditions for innovation uptake and for scientific knowledge dissemination, more effective cooperation between entrepreneurs, academia and policy makers. In this context, ARIEL transnational approach will catalyze joint efforts to tackle this complex ecological, economic and societal challenge supporting the development of a transnational “critical mass” and the provision of common skills, tools and methods accompanying small-scale fishery and aquaculture innovation process and networking in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea basin.
ARIEL overall objective is, in fact, to promote technological and non-technological solutions for innovation up take of small-scale fishery and aquaculture in Adriatic-Ionian basin, acting as knowledge network and performing a set of transferable activities to better understand threats and solutions for a more successful and sustainable management of policies and practices.
ARIEL will, at first, implement innovation audits on small-scale fisheries and aquaculture enterprises taking into account research, policy and economic aspects outlining the innovation state of play and future development scenario. Based on this result, the project will test pilot innovative solutions defined jointly by the enterprises and the research institutions.
Innovation brokering events will facilitate R&D transfer into concrete and feasible actions for small-scale fishery and aquaculture actors, accompanying their aggregation and cooperation process. The uptake and adoption of open innovation in small-scale fishery and aquaculture will be also fostered by the setting up of the ARIEL platform helping networking and partnering around innovative ideas and solutions during and beyond project life, favoring a permanent knowledge sharing and transnational dialogue among actors.
ARIEL partners will then develop a Joint Research Agenda for small-scale fishery and aquaculture and a Chart of Innovation Services, a strategic and multidisciplinary action plan defining common priorities and research lines, areas of improvement, knowledge based solutions and actions to successfully address the major challenges linked to innovation and sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture for the coming years in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea region.
ARIEL overall objective is, in fact, to promote technological and non-technological solutions for innovation up take of small-scale fishery and aquaculture in Adriatic-Ionian basin, acting as knowledge network and performing a set of transferable activities to better understand threats and solutions for a more successful and sustainable management of policies and practices.
ARIEL will, at first, implement innovation audits on small-scale fisheries and aquaculture enterprises taking into account research, policy and economic aspects outlining the innovation state of play and future development scenario. Based on this result, the project will test pilot innovative solutions defined jointly by the enterprises and the research institutions.
Innovation brokering events will facilitate R&D transfer into concrete and feasible actions for small-scale fishery and aquaculture actors, accompanying their aggregation and cooperation process. The uptake and adoption of open innovation in small-scale fishery and aquaculture will be also fostered by the setting up of the ARIEL platform helping networking and partnering around innovative ideas and solutions during and beyond project life, favoring a permanent knowledge sharing and transnational dialogue among actors.
ARIEL partners will then develop a Joint Research Agenda for small-scale fishery and aquaculture and a Chart of Innovation Services, a strategic and multidisciplinary action plan defining common priorities and research lines, areas of improvement, knowledge based solutions and actions to successfully address the major challenges linked to innovation and sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture for the coming years in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea region.
Project Acronym
Project Number
Programme Priority
1) Innovative and smart region
Specific objective
Support the development of a regional innovation system for the Adriatic-Ionian area
Start – End Date
2018-01-01 – 2020-12-31
Total budget
EUR 1,249,234.46
EU contribution:
ERDF budget
EUR 904,453.12
IPAII budget
EUR 157,396.16
Project Social media
Project partnership
Lead partner
Project partner