LP introduces the capitalization initiative launched by the ADRION Programme on December 2019 with the aim of building the “capital” of the Programme, such as the knowledge based at projects’ level including good practices, outputs and policy experiences by empowering funded projects to strengthen the quality and sustainability of deliverables and to enhance their dissemination to relevant stakeholders. After a general explanation of the ratio and the framework such as activities expected, projects and partners involvement, LP shown the Thematic Clusters (hereafter TC) in which ARIEL has been included: the «BLUE GROWTH AND RELATED SMART GROWTH» Thematic Clusters. LP recaps the steps undertaken so far and reminds that in the new IM of the Programme, there is a section dedicated to Capitalization. From January, LP has shared with PPs the available information on Capitalization and request for adhesion of ARIEL partners.
However, until the delivery of the IM (received from JS and shared with partner on 22/04/020) it was not clear the process and a virtual meeting with Thematic Cluster coordinator (22/04/2020).
LP outlines the advantages of being part of TC for all partners in terms of improvement of project results dissemination and transfer, improved networking with other institutions and stakeholders, improvement of partners and project spending performances. Moreover, the participation to TC can contribute to the identification of new projects ideas for proposing e.g ARIEL follow-up in next programming period. Several interesting activities are tested under ARIEL (e.g. the VirMa app) and they can be capitalized in next programming period.