Small-scale fisheries and aquaculture are key drivers for the ADRION area blue growth. An updated knowledge of the state of play of these two sectors is the starting point of the ARIEL project. On 2018, in fact, the project technical activities focused on the context analysis of the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the ADRION area. To this, partners adopted common methodology and tools – for harmonizing the mapping process – and worked together to collected information and data on institutional, socio-economic and technical domains at regional and transnational level, identifying and consulting the key players of the two sectors to detect strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Small-scale fisheries and aquaculture actors’ engagement constitutes the bulk of the activity so to achieve a better understanding of the framework conditions for innovation speed-up. Specifically, a number of 85 socio-economic operators was involved in the consultation activities conducted in the project area (Italy, Croatia, Montenegro and Greece) in the form of audit checklist submission. The context analysis led to regional and ADRION Reports and SWOT tables on institutional and socio-economic state of play and development scenario of small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
ARIEL_WPT1_D.1.3.4_ADRION AQ _Report