“ARIEL: Small-scale fishermen at work”
Capacity building activities – What is innovation brokerage?
Learn more about ARIEL capacity building activities and what the innovation brokerage is. What is Innovation Brokerage_ARIEL
“ARIEL: Small-scale fishermen at work”
Learn more about ARIEL capacity building activities and what the innovation brokerage is. What is Innovation Brokerage_ARIEL
Small-scale fisheries and aquaculture are key drivers for the ADRION area blue growth. An updated knowledge of the state of play of these two sectors [...]
ARIEL_capacity_buidling activities ARIEL_T.2..2_capacity_building_template_DT.2.2.5 SLIDES from Deliverable CAPACITY BUILDING SEMINAR FINAL INVITATION in english
LP introduces the capitalization initiative launched by the ADRION Programme on December 2019 with the aim of building the “capital” of the Programme, such as [...]
Training cycle for SSF and AQ stakeholders and Capacity building for policy makers workshop held on 23.05.2019. in Split. The workshop formed as educational lectures [...]
Pilot mobility exchange held within the ARIEL Interreg ADRION project, organized by Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. The event conducted in Croatia from 21.05.-24.05.2019., bringing [...]
The small-scale fisheries sector, including fishing and fish farming, is estimated to employ some 37 milion people. Small-scale fisheries make an important contribution to nutrition, [...]