The ARIEL innovation brokering activities implemented by the partners in Italy, Croatia, Montenegro and Greece for small-scale fisheries and aquaculture operators led to the identification of a list of pilot actions to test innovative solutions for day-by-day needs and for addressing specific and common challenges of these two sectors. Under the ARIEL project, the following actions have been identified for testing:

  • Testing pingers, Dolphin Dissuasor Devices (DDD) to reduce/prevent dolphin damages
  • Acoustic pingers pilot studies against Sparus aurata on shelfish farming
  • Developing and testing a virtual marketplace to promote the small-scale fisheries access to market and its added value to consumers
  • Evaluation of the “rainbow network” used by thyrrenian sea fishing fleet to minimize the capture of bycatch and “Sipara” trammel nets with a special construction to reduce bycatch in Adriatic
  • Installation of akva underwater cameras to increase the efficiency of feeding procedure in aquaculture process, reducing waste of food.
  • Fishing tourism business plan to promote the income diversification

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