25 August 2022: Transnational networking event (Deliverable C.2.2)

On 25 August 2022 Croatian partners, The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, in cooperation with the Public Institution RERA S.D. has organized the Transnational networking event in Split, Croatia.

During the Transnational Networking event partners shared and discussed with local and international stakeholder the ARIEL PLUS transnational contribution to leverage future initiatives and investments on small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

The event intended to explore synergies with other ongoing projects dealing with new ideas development for the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

The conference was opened by the organizers who greeted the participants. CNR-IRBIM, ARIEL PLUS Lead Partner gave an overview of goals and achieved results of the ARIEL PLUS project.

The transnational national networking event was divided into four sessions.

During the first session titled “New project proposals for the 2021/2027 programming period”, four partners/counties presented the ideas from the ARIEL PLUS participatory approach.

Cristina Frittelloni from the Agency for Innovation in the agricultural and fisheries sector (Italy) and TECHERA project partner gave an overview of The INTERREG Italy-Croatia project “TECHERA”: capitalizing 6 projects for competitive and sustainable fisheries in Adriatic.

After the discussion with the participants, the second session named “The 2021/2027 EU funding panorama for the SSF and AQ projects” has started. The external expert Danijela Mioković explained all the possibilities and funding opportunities during her presentation “EMFAF 2021/2027”. Ms Mioković talked about Common fisheries policy; European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund 2021-2027; Measures 1 and 2 from Operational proframme 2014.-2020. And Success stories in innovation – funded by the EU.

Mr Marko Opančar (Croatian National Contact point / Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds) presented the new generation of the INTERREG Programmes for the period 2021/2027 and explained what are the opportunities for the SSF and AQ sectors.

Focus of the session three was on the Innovation Community for the SSF and AQ sectors. CNR-IRBIM, ARIEL PLUS Lead Partner presented the ARIEL PLUS Platform – a tool supporting innovation speed-up in the ADRION area.

During the final session, Ms Francesca Perretta (Marche Region, Italy) gave a presentation Durability and capitalization where she focused on the ARIEL PLUS Knowledge Network Roadmap.

After Ms Perretta’s presentation, the final acitvity was Networking Round table between the ARIEL PLUS Knowledge Network members and the transnational stakeholder of the small-scale fisheries and aquaculture sectors.



ETC in Croatia 2021.-2027. August 2022 Ariel PLUS



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